2014 11 10 - Discussion Items for Week Beginning 10 Nov 2014

HI Everyone

Kats and I are trialling a way that the five of us can communicate so we can have a discussion on a specific topic or a viariety of topics while we are dispersed around the globe. Kats is currently sending out a wiki about what the standard agenda items should be for our monthly meetings - while a wiki could be used for us to have less formal conversations.

This approach is not set in concrete but an experiment to see if it works for us. Because we have been talking about the upcoming quarterly reports I thought this might be somewhere to start, Sally while I type this it might be useful to put in the VLNZ Team group as a wiki to capture the other portfolio owners thoughts.


Items to discuss with Partners


  • VLOC Global Leadership Community Group
  • VL Program Development - Update
  • VL Events









